+ MiniMad: New unified TouchOSC layout with shutdown function (available on MadMapper Yourspace) + MiniMad: Added shutdown OSC command in Video, Light and MiniMad Controller + MiniMad: Added manual network configuration for Video & Light + Controls Combiner Module (ie drive a parameter with a MIDI fader and a MIDI button with various combiations) + Weather and Pollution Modules (drive your MadMapper from online weather / pollution data) + Firmata Module: simply communicate with your Arduino (in & out) + Surface FX are now editable in code editor and can be published online as materials + Online library for Surface FX (2D, 3D, Lines) Which means you now design and share your own FXs ! It introduces the Firmata, Weather and Pollutions modules, a shutdown OSC command and manual network configuration for the MiniMad, the render to texture option for materials, a redesigned material library and of course.

After a couple of Beta versions, the 4.1.0 update is now available on