The length of your suspension will depend on the type of licence you held when you committed the demerit point offences. If you get too many demerit points, we'll send you a notice telling you that your authority to drive in Queensland will be withdrawn (suspended). This includes vehicles up to 4.5 tonne gross vehicle mass that may carry up to 12 people, including the driver. If you're driving in Queensland on an overseas car licence, you may drive vehicles allowed under a Queensland class C licence. show your licence to a police officer when asked to do so.comply with your licence conditions (if any).drive only the class of motor vehicle authorised on that licence.When driving in Queensland on your valid interstate or overseas licence, you must: You can't drive in Queensland with your interstate or overseas licence if you've been issued with a Queensland licence. If you move to Queensland, you will have to transfer your licence to a Queensland licence. If you're visiting Queensland, you can drive if you have a valid interstate or overseas licence. Print Driving in Queensland on an interstate or overseas licence